So with all this hype over the new movie Twilight, I was wondering why there was no uproar like over the Harry Potter novels. While talking to a friend, I realized that I was under a rock, because there has been. However this was not because of the supernatural forces, but because of age appropriate materials.
It turns out that in an Orange County school district, the books were banned for about 4 days, then inexplicably returned to library shelves...
And in slightly more depth:
I agree with some of the comments below the article, that people are objecting to books, when there is so much more out there on the Internet and film which they could be objecting to. I'm not saying that they should object, only what they chose to focus on is interesting. It's a story, and the fantasy genre is a particularly interesting medium to explore the issues facing a developing personality (i.e. children and young adults), because they are able to bring them more fully to light. It's a sort of empathy. Your parents don't like your boyfriend? Well, at least he's not a vampire!
I'm trying to get a chance to read these books (right now school is really getting in the way *sigh*).
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13 years ago
The Twilight series is so intersing to look at as a banned book. It's a sensation, and the writing is on a very even level. I'm so happy you found this!
The parents should censor the children themselves by reading the books first then deciding if their children should read them.
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