Books are a gray area...

Books are a gray area...
Photo by austinevan

Monday, December 1, 2008

Time flies like the wind...

but fruit flies like bananas!

So in studying views on censorship through time, I came across some resources to share. Along with the book and websites below, here are a number of articles about and views of censorship from 1897 through 2007.

The Boston public library and books that tend to encourage anarchic doctrine. (October, 1897). Bookman, 6, 88-89.

Sayers, W.C.B. (1928). The banning of books in libraries. Library Review, 1 (5), 184-187.

Foster, H. H. Jr. (1957). The “Comstock load.” Obscenity and the law. Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Political Science. 48(3), 245-258.

Meyers, D. (1977, February 15). Boys and girls and sex and libraries. Library Journal, 102(4), 457-463. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Academic Search Premier database.

Eidus, J. (1992, Oct.). Censorship from without; censorship from within: chilling trends. ANQ. 5(4), 188-190.

O’Sullivan, M.K. and O’Sullivan, C.J. (2007). Selection or censorship: libraries and the intelligent design debate. Library Review, 56 (3), 200-207.

and the ones from below...

Websites related to censorship:

National Coalition Against Censorship. (2008). NCAC - National Coalition AgainstCensorship. Retrieved 11/4/2008 from:

Parents Against Bad Books in Schools. (2008). Controversial and challenged books in schools -PABBIS. Retrieved 11/4/2008 from:

American Library Association, (2008). American Library Association: Banned Books Week. Retrieved 11/4/2008 from:

And a book:

Boyer, P. S. (2002). Purity in print: Book censorship in America from the gilded age to the computer age, 2nd edition. Madison, WS: University of Wisconsin Press.

1 comment:

Tricia Powers said...

Hi Abbie!

Wow! Your blog really rocks! It's amazing how much work and analysis you have put into it. There were several sections that intrigued me...the post about pro- and con-censorship groups...the au courant controversy of "Twilight"...and the article titles of your citations seem really interesting.

Really great stuff here...fantastic job!